
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
José Alaniz. "Crowd Control: Anxiety of Effluence in Sokurov's 'Russian Ark.'" in Sokurov anthology, ed. Birgit Beumers and Nancy Condee. Publications, Essays
Barbara Henry. Rewriting Russia: Jacob Gordin's Yiddish Drama, University of Washington Press, 2011. Publications, Books
Michael Biggins, trans.  Drago Jančar. The Galley Slave. Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2011. Publications, Books, Translations
Michael Biggins, trans.  Boris Pahor.  Necropolis.  Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2010. Publications, Books, Translations
1850-1950: A Century of Letters among the Bosniaks, Croats, Montenegrins, and Serbs. Bernhard Brehmer & Biljana Golubović, eds. Serbische und kroatische Schriftlinguistik. Hamburg: Verlags Dr. Kovač. 2010. 11-29. Publications, Essays
AB OVO: When OVO and OVO are Different. Balkanistica 23:1-20. 2010. Publications, Essays
Katarzyna Dziwirek, Bożena Nowicka McLees. "Polish in the U.S." In Language Diversity in the USA, ed. by Kim Potowski. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 238-254. Publications, Essays
José Alaniz. 2010. Komiks: Comic Art in Russia. University Press of Mississippi. Publications, Books
Katarzyna Dziwirek, Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk. Complex Emotions and Grammatical Mismatches: A Contrastive Corpus-Based Study. Mouton de Gruyter, 2010. Publications, Books
Katarzyna Dziwirek, Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, eds. Studies in Cognitive Corpus Linguistics. Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2009. Publications, Books
Ovo vs. ovo. Raecke, Jochen and Biljana Golubović, eds. Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch als Fremdsprachen an den Universitäten der Welt. München: Verlag Otto Sagner. 2008. Publications, Essays
Galya Diment, Zoran Kuzmanovich. MLA Approaches to Teaching "Lolita." New York: MLA, 2008. 200pp. Publications, Books
Minor Paucal in Serbian. Zybatow, Gerhild et al., eds. Formal Description of Slavic Languages: The Fifth Conference, Leipzig 2003. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2008. 258-269. Publications, Essays
“Post-1989 Publishing on Previously Suppressed Topics: Trends in Czech Contemporary History, with Reference to Poland,” in Books, Bibliographies and Pugs: a Festschrift to Honor Murlin Croucher (Bloomington, Ind.: Slavica Publishers, 2006): 13-29. Publications, Essays
James Augerot. "Romanian" in Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 2nd ed. Edited by Keith Brown. Elsevier: Oxford, 2006. 660-663. Publications, Essays
Valentina Zaitseva. "Gender and National Identity through Russian Language." Chapter 1 in Helena Goscilo and Andrea Lanoux, eds. Engendering the Nation: A Cross-Disciplinary Examination of Gender and National Identity in Russian Culture. Indian UP, 2006. Publications, Essays
Barbara Henry. "Tolstoy on the Lower East Side: Di Kreytser Sonata." Tolstoy Studies Journal 16 (2005): 1-19. Publications, Essays
Michael Biggins, trans. and author of afterword.  Vladimir Bartol. Alamut. Seattle: Scala House Press, 2004. (European edition: Ljubljana: Sanje, 2005. Paperback edition: San Francisco: North Atlantic Books, 2007.) Publications, Books, Translations
Gordana P. Crnković, Sabrian P. Ramet, eds. Kazaaam! Splat! Ploof!: The American Impact on European Popular Culture, since 1945. Landham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003. Publications, Books
Valentina Zaitseva. "Quoting Russian Poetry." Chapter 2 in Eloise M. Boyle and Genevra Gerhart, eds. The Russian Context: The Culture behind the Language. Slavica: Bloomington, Indiana, 2002. 85-202. Publications, Essays
Valentina Zaitseva. "Quoting Russian Prose." Chapter 3 in Eloise M. Boyle and Genevra Gerhart, eds. The Russian Context: The Culture behind the Language. Slavica: Bloomington, Indiana, 2002. 203-264. Publications, Essays
“Art and the Language of Russian Culture,” in The Russian Context, ed. Genevra Gerhart and Eloise Boyle. Bloomington: Slavica Press, 2001 Publications
Gordana P.Crnkovic, Imagined Dialogues: Eastern European Literature in Conversation with American and English Literature.  Evanston, Ill:  Northwestern University Press, 2000.  Publications, Books
Gordana P. Crnković, Imagined Dialogues: Eastern European Literature in Conversation with American and English Literature.  Evanston, Ill:  Northwestern University Press, 2000. Publications, Books
James Augerot. Romanian-Limba Româna. Center for Romanian Studies, Iasi, 1999. 360pp. Publications, Books